NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!!         

              NEW EMAIL ADDRESS!!!!!         

Join us in Raleigh for a conversation about CIDP. RSVP right away- the first 20 sign-ups will be accepted! RSVP contact: (667)272-3550 See you soon!!!!

  • a nurse holding a patients hand

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North Carolina Infusion Nurses Society

Membership in the North Carolina Infusion Nurses Society is open to nurses and health care professionals from all practice settings involved in or interested in the specialty practice of infusion therapy.

Through conferences, online learning, scientific publications, educational solutions, scholarship, and more, North Carolina INS provides the resources you need to navigate rapid technological advances and dramatic healthcare delivery shifts.

Join Our Chapter in North Carolina Today

In a constantly evolving specialty, North Carolina’s INS stands proud to provide its members with the most current information, techniques, and solutions. Membership in the North Carolina INS demonstrates an unyielding commitment to lifelong learning and setting the standard for infusion care. Members of INS can have access to free and discounted programs, including webinars, podcasts, position papers, and clinical community discussion forums.

  • a doctor examining someone's arm

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No INfusion CONfusion!!!

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